Monday, 20 October 2008

The poem of us.

We do not believe in regrets.
We believe in vodka.
Every drop of the sweet, forgetful drink
fills our souls with love.
Our smiles become neverending
our minds create our own universe -
where we are king and queen.
Me and you,
sitting on our thrones
spitting at the common people,
laughing at their pity regrets.
If only they knew who we are,
that we rule the world
We make the rules,
and make you dance to our beat.
We fight you with our love, and it knocks you down.
Pityful twats,
if only you knew what you are up against.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mer rumsarrest åt Jenny!
Mer rumsarrest åt Jenny!

Du producerar ju.
